[ Dr Henry Dixson ]
I am a multidisciplinary social and behavioural scientist. I completed my PhD at the ANU, which focused on the social influences of theory of mind development and cooperative behaviour in ni-Vanuatu children. This work involved a combination of quantitative cognitive and behavioural measures, surveys and qualitative interviews, as well as participant observation. Following this, I conducted postdoctoral research in political views and social values in Vanuatu, alongside laboratory-based developmental psychology research among NZ families. I crossed over into the public sector as a social and behavioural science advisor at New Zealand’s Department of Conservation. In government, I looked at issues of public trust in science, conservation attitudes and awareness, social license and engagement. I investigated public perceptions of nascent technologies and emerging scientific issues. Currently, I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the ANU and visiting scientist at CSIRO via the Responsible Innovation Future Science Platform, lead by Research Director Dr. Justine Lacey. This qualitative project — “Responsible Innovation in Synthetic Biology: Public Reflections” — looks at Australian views and interpretations of this emerging discipline. It is part of a multi-year CSIRO-ANU Responsible Innovation Collaboration. The rest of the team include Professor’s Catherine Waldby, Sujatha Raman and Adrian Mackenzie at ANU, and Senior Research Scientist Dr. Lucy Carter at CSIRO.
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