[ Prof Sujatha Raman ]

Professor Sujatha Raman is Director of Research of the Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) at the Australian National University. She serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Responsible Innovation.
She brings expertise in studies of science, technology and society (STS) and public policy to bear on challenges of responsible innovation. Raman has a significant track record from her previous work in the UK in transdisciplinary collaborative research with science and engineering. She is interested in exploring the distinctive ways in which responsible innovation might be developed in Australia and the Asia-Pacific.
Raman is co-investigator in the CSIRO-ANU Responsible Innovation Collaboration where she supervises a project on precision health. She was Australia lead in a 4-country Wellcome trust project (Talking about Gene Drive) led by the University of Exeter (UK) with additional partners in Uganda and the United States, exploring the role of language in communicating responsibly on gene drive technologies. She collaborates with the University of Adelaide’s Food Values Research Group on responsible innovation in gene drive.