[ A/Prof Saman Razavi ]

Saman Razavi is an Associate Professor of hydrology and water resources engineering at the Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan. He is also a Research Fellow at ANU Institute for Water Futures.
His research work is at the science-policy interface, bridging hydrological modelling and prediction of flood and drought to integrated management of water resources and decision and policy making. Dr. Razavi is also an expert in systems and data sciences, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, and machine learning.
In recognition of his work, Dr. Razavi has received several awards including the highly prestigious 2019 Young Scientist Award from Canadian Geophysical Union, Water Security Research Excellence Award from the University of Saskatchewan, Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professorship from the University of Bristol, and the Editors’ Choice Award from Water Resources Research.
Dr. Razavi is the Principal Investigator of a major transdisciplinary research program, titled “Integrated Modelling Program for Canada (IMPC)” that brings together 15 faculty members from five universities and many collaborators from governments, boundary organizations, and the private sector (https://gwf.usask.ca/impc/). His several other projects include funded-collaborations with India (IIT, Delhi and IISc, Bangalore) and Iran (Gorgan U). He is the lead developer of a suite of approaches and tools for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis under the framework of Variogram Analysis of Response Surfaces (https://vars-tool.com/).