RI-Lab Resources
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This is an online library of publications, videos, podcasts, and other useful resources related to responsible innovation.
Fostering responsible innovation | A Conversation with Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai
The case for responsible innovation | David Guston
How to make the world a better place | An introduction to Risk Innovation
Responsible innovation | An interview with Jack Stilgoe
Responsible research and innovation: aligning R&I with European society | EU Science & Innovation
The Dutch approach to responsible innovation and value-sensitive design | Jeroen van den Hoven
Driving the future of autonomous vehicles and responsible innovation | University of Waterloo
Responsible innovation in digital farming | Simone van der Burg,
Keynote – Responsible innovation at Facebook Reality Labs | Facebook Connect
Historical overview Technology Assessment | Delft University of Technology
Responsible innovation and artificial intelligence | Chongli Qin, DeepMind x UCL
M&E for responsible innovation | Phil Macnaghten
The Tucker Torpedo: A responsible innovation and rights destroyed
Responsible Innovation in the age of abnormal | Polly Blake
Principles and practices of responsible research and innovation | Jack Stilgoe
Machine Learning, social learning and responsible innovation in self-driving cars | Jack Stilgoe
What’s new in responsible innovation research and why is it necessary? | Tsjalling Swierstra
Online information and responsible innovation | Athens Democracy Forum
Responsible innovation: Protecting our Planet with technology | Giana Amador, Suzanne Fallender
Responsible innovation for cybersecurity AI | US Department of Homeland Security
The governance of responsible innovation | Rene von Schomberg
Future of responsible innovation | Panel Discussion, MVI congress 2015
Architecture and responsible innovation | Kent Martinussen
Responsible innovation workshop | ASU UTO, March 18, 2021
Introduction to the concept of RI | Delft University of Technology
Responsible innovation, sociotechnical system change, public engagement and objection | Paul Upham
Human rights by design: Responsible innovation | Australian Human Rights Commission
Geoengineering and responsible innovation | Jack Stilgoe
Why engagement is at the core of responsible research and innovation | Lars Klüver
Values and ethics in innovation for responsible technology in Europe | CPDP Conferences (2019)
Why your research becomes better with responsible research and innovation | Wiebe Bijker
Responsible Research and Innovation with and for Society | By Katharina Fellnhofer
ADAPT Ethics in research and innovation | Jeroen Van Den Hoven
Responsible AI | Singapore FinTech Festival
Future Shapers: Who will save the world? | Kon Karapanagiotidis, Wyatt Roy, Anna Rose, Ehsan Nabavi
The Fourth Industrial Revolution | An interview with Ehsan Nabavi (2018)
Responsible Innovation and Venture Capital | An interview with Hemant Taneja
Responsible Innovation and the Circular Economy | An interview with Erik Fisher (2016)
A moviegoer’s micro-podcast guide to responsible innovation | Arizona State University (2021)
How Banks Can Embrace Responsible Innovation | An interview with Marc Franson (2018)
Responsible Innovation | By Elizabeth Garner-Foy (2020)
Responsible Research and Ethical Innovation | By Grace Wright (2020)
Art in Responsible Innovation | A conversation with Rodolfo and Lija Groenewoud van Vliet (2021)
Responsible Innovation Podcast | By Jack Stilgoe
Technology and human rights: regulating responsible innovation | By Jolyon Ford
Responsibility: Responsible AI in action | Natasha Crampton, Sarah Bird, and Nick McQuire (2020)
Our Responsibility: Disability, Bias, and AI | Natasha Crampton and Meredith Ringel Morris (2020)
Responsible AI | An interview with Saleema Amershi (2020)
Responsible Innovation for plural European societies | Interview with René von Schomberg, in Annali di studi religiosi, 22, 2021, pp. 143-152
Conversation with Balint Balasz | coordinator of the Co-Change Project on co-creation of change in research funding and research performing organisation (2 February 2021)
In the course of the innovative project Living Innovation | ( https://www.living-innovation.net), Prof. Dr. Andre Martinuzzi, Wirtschaftsuniversitat Vienna, conducted an interview with me on the origin and prospects of RRI.
Interview in Chinese: Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology | Social Science, May 2020
Video- Interview and presentation (in Dutch), for the Government of Netherlands | together with Ibo van der Poel, 9 November 2020
Responsible Innovation: Universities and public research institutes have to be radically adapted | Interview with Blog Journal Elephant in the Lab (22 January 2020), Schomberg, R. v. (2020).
Video, podcast, and summary of the event at the Giannino Bassetti Foundation on Challenges for Responsible Innovation | with Pierro Bassetti, Jonathan Hankins et al (25 January 2020)
Interview in Spanish, on open science at museum | Foundation La Caixa, Barcelona (February 2019)
Innovation is not inherently good | Podcast interview with the magazine: Euroscientist (October 2014)
Use Ethics as driving force, not as a constraint | Interview in Dutch on “Verantwoord ondernemen”, in LEV 8 • 18, November 2012
Centre for Responsible Innovation (CforRI)
A report on Responsible Research & Innovation | EU , Hilary Sutcliffe (2011)
Responsible Research and Innovation Landscape in Quantum Computing | NQIT (2016)
Responsible AI? Survey results | Alka Roy (2020)
Responsible innovation – Guide (PAS 440:2020) | The British Standards Institution (2020)