[ Debbie Gonzalez Canada ]

Debbie Gonzalez Canada is a social researcher constantly learning about our relationship with ourselves, with nature and with technology.
Debbie is doing a PhD at the University of Melbourne, investigating how digital technologies (re)shape the practices of volunteered biodiversity monitoring, in programs that are often called “citizen science”, and how programs can better support the volunteers. She is also a tutor in digital ethics for the subject AI, Ethics and the Law at the same university. Debbie takes an ethics of care approach when considering innovation.
She believes that complex socio-environmental issues can be expressed in technical terms, but cannot be solved solely by “experts” and techno-fixes, and instead require the involvement of different community actors throughout (from inception, to development, to implementation and ongoing monitoring). Thus, she is interested in collective responsible innovation.
You can find her on Twitter as @ParticipatorySc (https://twitter.com/ParticipatorySc).