[ Yogantara Dharmawan ]

Yogantara S. Dharmawan is a Future Research Talent Scholar at the Responsible Innovation Lab within the Centre for Public Awareness of Science at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra. He is a lecturer in the Information Systems Department at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems from ITS Surabaya and a Master’s degree from the School of Information Systems at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia.
With experiences in IT governance, master planning, and management for government institutions, his research interests encompass Process Management and Innovation, IT Innovation Management, IT Governance, Compliance, and Risks. Yogantara has assisted various government agencies and state-owned enterprises in IT master planning, governance, management, and innovation. His accolades include the NCU Taiwan Elite Workshop Award, Mandiri Young Technopreneur, and the Indonesia ICT Merit Award. Currently, he coordinates the Digital Talent Scholarship Program by the Ministry of Communication and Information, as well as the National ICT Students Festival and Competition at ITS.
At RI Labs CPAS, Yogantara is researching the development of Responsible Innovation in the Indonesian public services domain, particularly through the launch of INA Digital (includes the Satu Data and EGov’s SPBE System), a GovTech initiative aimed at enhancing and making public service delivery more inclusive.